What is this significance of this?
I fingerpainted the blue background of the pendant I spoke of in my previous post!!!!!! I recently have been compelled to fingerpaint in my work!
Such as this painting here:

I feel the fingerpainting made this painting a profoundly more intimate act. More of me, my energy, could be released into the canvas. Painting with a brush leaves more to the mind than to the body...and the body is the bridge of the spirit to the world. I firmly believe that people love pieces of work, not for what they are techincally, but what kind of energy they absorb from viewing it.
I now see that fingerpainting is Christ's way of being able to work through me. That I am in prayer when I paint that way and I was in prayer as I painted this painting:

Which also means I was in prayer when I painted that dear blue pendant!
Thank you God, I see in what way you want me to move that will reveal your visions for the world...
It's time to get to fingerpainting!
May I suggest you peruse the work of Eckhart Tolle, before you say you want to be " perfect-Christ like". Nice pendants btw.
Thank you for reading and your comment! I have looked into Eckhart Tolle and find his work to be quite intriquing.
I would, in turn, like to suggest the works of Edgar Cayce (that is if you haven't studied them already). The revelations I am discovering there are ever-unfolding and amazingly tie into Christ in ways many do not know of or if they do the refuse to discuss.
I look foward to further discussions should they birth between us.
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