I've mentioned this before. Migraines. I am plagued with them. And they've gotten worse as I've grown older, though thankfully, they have decreased in frequency.
Today I had the misfortune of awaking to a migraine. I went to bed with a headache and figured I would sleep it off. Well, that wasn't the case.
I woke up at 4:30am to a pain above my right eyebrow that felt like someone was taking an axe to my head. This is no exaggeration. I got up and fixed a tiny bowl of cereal thinking I would eat this little cereal, take some ibuprofern, and in 20 minutes or so be pain free.
Well, just the chewing action of the cereal brought on the nausea. Within the hour I found myself huddled around the toilet awating the grand painful finale as what usually happens when my migraines reach Catagory 5 status.
Yep I use the hurricane scale to define the intensity of these things. I think that helps non-migraine suffers be able to relate.
Other migraine suffers can tell ya, something about the vomiting eases the pain and makes the headache begin to fade. It is so strange.

Unfortunately, that was not the case for me today. The headache did not subside after I vomited and I found myself yet again at ye old flushie puking my brains out.
This migraine lasted until about 4:30 this afternoon. And the only reason I was able to calm it down then was because I was able to eat something and take some ibuproferen before it flared back up to vomiting status.
Days like to today are soooooo long. They take forever. It's interesting how time slows down when one is in pain.
I must mark this migraine. It is offically the worst one I've ever had simply because of its duration. I wouldn't necessarily say it was the most painful one, but the length of it was a nightmare.
So here I am, about to retire to bed praying that when I awake in the morn, it will not be to this same wretched headache!
Pray for me!
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