Blessings can come from the most unexpected places.
First of all I had the blessing of this dear pendant of mine popping up on Etsy's front page:

In the best place possible too! In the little photos here:

Why is this the best place possible? Because these little pictures click to the item and people can buy! Its gives you the most maximum chance of exposure for the longest time. See if you're in a treasury on the Front Page, you'll only have maximum exposure for 4-6 hours (depending on how long the admin keep that list on the front page). But with these little photos, you're exposed for as much as 4 weeks (depending on how often they run the bot that goes through and pulls images that meet the requirments to fill these spots.) Now you're only exposed every 16 or so screen refreshes, but nevertheless YOU'RE ON THE FRONT PAGE! And if you know anything about ETSY, THIS IS THE BEST THING POSSIBLE (besides being in a treasury on the front page or being a featured seller)
Now on with the other blessings that revolve around this pendant.
It was purchased by someone who shall remain anonomyous to be given as gift to someone else. They wanted me to send this note with the package:
I admire you for your obedience to the Lord and hope that this small gift is an encouragement and blessing to you!"
I did as requested and this note spawned a candid conversation with the buyer. Through my interaction with the buyer and this whole experience I have learned much about myself, God, and power of connectivity. God has reasons for all the people we meet in our lives. I'm still uncovering the reasons why I've meet both the buyer and recipient of the pendant. Well I haven't officially met the owner of the pendant, but I was directed to her blog where she candidly and beautifully shared her love of the pendant and excactly why she loved the pendant.
Those blog posts have since been removed from her site to be kept for her eyes only, and I am thankful to have gotten to read them and her words shall be a treasure in my heart always.
See, she revealed to me that a prayer of mine is being answered.
I have prayed painfully for quite sometime now for God show me the way. For Christ to fill me and move me to paint visions of His immaculate will. I am here to paint His visions, to paint new visions of God for this world.
I've prayed to be a vessel of His will and amazingly enough I am being filled by Him!
This pendant touched K----'s heart in just that way. She spoke of how the tree symbolized the Cross and how the blue spoke of freedom and how the tree was with no leaves, fruitless~ ready to be filled.
Filled with Holy Spirit. I recognize now that when I paint, it is a prayer. My hands pray to God and I am filled with the Holy Spirit. Christ opens me and works through me and brings forth that which the world needs to see.
I am humbled. I love Him and pray to always be moved. That even through my utter failures and continual sin, I shall be cleansed through Christ and allowed to paint for Him again.
This dear pendant is a blessing to me, it is a blessing to the buyer, and it is a blessing to the recepient.
I pray that all my work reach out for Him and touch lives with His light and bring hope and peace to many...
I want to touch the world, for Him.
Look, here is the pendant. On the dear person who has blessed me and doesn't even know it:

I close this post in tears. Tears of joy, love, and blessings.
May you be moved in His grace and light.