What is this thing called "self-esteem"?
Do you know?
I thought I did. Until recently.
This is my definition:
Self-esteem is the voice inside my head. What it speaks, is what I feel.
Perhaps, you've heard this before:
Thoughts are energy.
So now let's see. I have this voice inside my head and I have two choices I can make about what that voice tells me on a daily basis.
1) I can choose for it to say something positive
2) I can choose for it to say something negative
What is this thing called "self-esteem"?
Do you know?
I thought I did. Until recently.
This is my definition:
Self-esteem is the voice inside my head. What it speaks, is what I feel.
Perhaps, you've heard this before:
Thoughts are energy.
So now let's see. I have this voice inside my head and I have two choices I can make about what that voice tells me on a daily basis.
1) I can choose for it to say something positive
2) I can choose for it to say something negative
The choice I feed will be the choice internalized.
To internalize, is much like to eat. To take a thought into one's mind, "chew" on it, and swallow it into their being.
Ah, ha! So knowing all this, what do I choose?
I choose to be a childlike again!
I choose to be a childlike again!
I choose thoughts such as these:
I am wonderful.
I am great.
I am good.
I am amazing.
I am talented.
I have the world before me!
I have all the skills I need to achieve all that I set out to achieve.
And I toss violently aside thoughts such as these:
I am worthless.
I suck.
What the hell am I doing?
How did I think I could do this?
I can't do this.
I don't know anything.
I challenge you to do the same. Toss aside all that is negative.
You are wonderful.
You are amazing.
You are talented.
You have all the skills, talents, and abilities to achieve all you ever dreamed in this life!
A great philosophy to have :) I love your art, and it's great to read how passionate you are about it. Choosing to be positive in life is the best way to be, and your food analogy makes a lot of sense. You eat unhealthy things, you are unhealthy. You think negative thoughts, and that's unhealthy too. To choose to be happy, in a child-like way is a good way to be. Children are fearless, and their creativity knows no boundaries for that very reason. To choose to be childlike is to choose to be fearless :)
Thank you so much for reading and your comment! I have now discovered something more that I'd like to share. It doesn't seem to be about choice anymore as I originally thought. It's about being alive, here, now. It's about experiencing the joy in no way different than one did as a child. Remember how beautiful everything was? Ah, I do and I see how it's still so equally beautiful today~now~.
I wish you all the best. Again, thank you so much for stopping by and I'm honored to know my words meant something to you.
Your analogy is perfect. To be fearless. Yes. To be fearless for all that is will always be and we'll always be a part of all that is.
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