Friday, November 30, 2007

The Depths of Thought

I seldom share my deepest thoughts with people, for eventhough I get worked up over thoughts often, when I try to speak them to others I am usually met with glazed eyes or "you're too deep." I am not sure why such things bore people. It's funny, I find talk about the latest tv sitcom to be a bore. Bantering about a fake life of an actor is so pointless to me. Such a waste of time. Watching a sitcom is such a waste of time. And yet I think of the people who write the sitcoms, produce them, act in them...these people are following their passions and living their can I be so ruthless to critize their life's work???????

What interests me are things such as this:

Is truth relative or absolute?
Does it exsist whether or not we think it?
What exactly is truth?

These are not new questions to life's greatest thinkers, but they are new to me. Thus, significant to me. If truth IS relative, that makes for such an easier life. It also makes accepting others for the way they are, easier...
Is easiest best? or Correct?

One becomes more Christian when they are able to accept people for who they are...

I'm inclined to believe truth is absolute. That there are laws that exist beyond ourselves and it is impairative that we follow these laws. (a word of note, I'm not interested in perfect grammer or spelling here...i could give a damn...i'm interested in typing my thoughts. This space is here for me to get these insistent thoughts out so I can move on to new thoughts!) :)

It's time to retire. I have a nice long journey ahead of me tomorrow.

Thanks for reading, please post if you feel compelled to.

Now for a deep thoughted pendant I painted:

Branching Love -Original Pendant Painting

Branching Love -Original Pendant Painting


1 comment:

Joelle Dolce Bebe said...

I wish more people thought like you.
I worry about people & feelings & the earth & being happy ~ not worrying about my spelling/grammer etc... on here. i try to just be able to share & get inspired on here not worry. just had to say that becuase I experienced being critiqued because of mispelled words. im usually on here so late anyways & my eyes are tired. : )
Loved your words. Enjoy it & keep writing.
Your very inspiring!
Best Wishes ~