Or more precicely what I label
The Law of distraction.
So let's see, all things are governed by the subtle, the unthought of, the unconscious if you will, or I shall say God and these unseen governs are laws.
So what is this law of Distraction?
Firstly let's state that Distraction is defined as:
1. something that diverts the attention
2. something that serves as an entertainment
3. mental turmoil
So the law of distraction I define as:
A subtle force that pulls one away from their creative source. (And that creative source is defined as one's place in creation~one's being)
Whatever you find your "source" to be, Christ~God~Family~Budda~your principles~science...
When one is chained to this law of distraction they find themselves disconnected.
Disconnected from all they truly love.
I see this law applying itself to everything...from facebook, to blogging, to radio, and television. Magazines, billboard ads...even things as subtle as movie titles.
Now what about the law part? Well, the longer one distracts themself, the harder it becomes to regain focus, and the easier it becomes to engage in more distraction.
And what's the danger in this? Loss of connectivity with others and oneself equates to loss of life on a fundamental spiritual level.
Perhaps I've ill-defined myself here and I apologize if that is so.
My primary purpose of this post this evening is to call you observe yourself.
Where in your life do you actively engage in a distraction(s)?
Is/are this/these distraction(s) filling a void or deepening it further?
What choices can you make to steer clear of distractive activities and maintain contact with your value system and goals?
Let's look deeper.
It's not that the distraction (such as watching tv or reading a fashion magazine) has any immediate dramatic affect on your being. Like I said, it's subtle.
The changes are occuring in your energy level. The distraction absorbs your creative energy...without refilling you.
In essence, your being is excersicing itself in the same way it would if it was being productive excecpt without the benefits of being productive!
For when we are productive and exercise our creative source and burn up our creative energy (say from writing a short story to cleaning up the house) upon completion of our tasks, what we discover is a sense of renewal. Accomplishing the task brings us a sense of accomplishment, and peace. And in that moment our energy wells begin filling to the brim again!
I say all this because I have finally uncovered one of my most distractive activities. And because it has been revealed for what it is I can now tackle it and I am tackling it!
I am freed!
This habit will no longer haunt me!
I thank God for His amazing ways of revealing things to us, only when we are ready.
Ready I was! And now because I have abolished this distractive activity, I can take my creative source and carve more of the path He has set for me in this life!
I find my ability to focus has increased and my faith in completing my life's task has grown!
Thank you for reading...